
2025 : Circuit de l’Abbaye, slow down…

Once registered to walk the Circuit, you will receive Pilgrim’s Kit by mail. Most of the documentation it contains is in French, but English-speaking pilgrims will find it easy to use nevertheless. The kit contains:
  • A paper map of the Circuit;
  • A passport – for collecting stamps and signatures along the way to create a tangible memory of your experience;
  • A parking ticket that allows you to park your car at the orchard of the Saint-Benoît-du-Lac Abbey, free of charge;
  • A medallion identifying you as a Circuit de l’Abbaye Pilgrim (providing another memento of your journey);
  • The Memphremagog Tourist Guide (a bilingual publication);
  • A directory listing available accommodations along the Circuit, updated for the current season;
  • A sticker proclaiming that you have walked the Circuit de l’Abbaye – to be proudly displayed!

Your registration is valid for the entire current season, leaving you all the flexibility you need to plan your journey. Lodging costs vary between $60 and $200 per night, depending on the experience you are seeking.

The $65 non-refundable registration fee is your contribution to this long-distance walking project. If walking as a couple or in a group, we ask that everyone registers.

Your registration for the Circuit de l’Abbaye is valid only for the current year. Registration fees are non-refundable

You should receive your Pilgrim’s Kit within 10 business days (allow for longer delays outside Canada). At present, it is not possible to register in person. 

IMPORTANT : Before registering, it is important that you fully understand what you can expect from an independent long distance walking tour and that you read our Liability Waiver Clause carefully.

To foster harmony amongst fellow walkers, residents, merchants and innkeepers along the Circuit, we ask you read and apply our Code of Ethics.

Registration form

« * » indique les champs nécessaires

(Should we need to contact you if there is a discrepancy in you Registration form.)
You are:*
Age range:
JJ slash MM slash AAAA
For statistical purposes only. There is no fixed departure date; you are responsible for planning your trip and your registration is valid for the entire 2025 season (April 1st to November 1st).
Will you be camping during your journey?
Will you be walking with other pilgrims?*
If you answered Yes, please ensure that your companion(s) register as well.
Which section(s) of the Circuit are you planning to walk?
I understand that the Circuit de l'Abbaye is an independent walking tour.*
This means that I am solely responsible for planning my journey, for preparing myself physically and for reserving my accommodations in advance. More on independent walking tours >>
I accept to allow the Circuit de l'Abbaye to communicate news and relevant information to me.*
Please be aware that we will only contact you when necessary. We will not send you advertisements. This consent does not apply to the Circuit de l'Abbaye newsletter.
I have read and I accept the Circuit's Liability Waiver Clause.*
I understand the responsibilities ans risks inherent to walking the Circuit de l'Abbaye. Read the clause here >>
The registration fee is valid for the 2025 season (April to December) and includes a Pilgrim's Kit, which will be sent to you by regular mail in Canada.
Please indicate the destination of your Kit.
Accept the conditions*
* Form protected by reCAPTCHA and Google privacy policy and terms of use apply.

IMPORTANT : Once your registration has been completed, you will be redirected to a confirmation page. Your will also receive a confirmation email. If the confirmation page does not appear after clicking SEND, something went wrong and we have not received your registration form. Should this occur, please go back to your Registration form and verify that there are no incomplete or invalid entries. Note: Some of the information requested in the Registration form allows us to gather valuable statistics. Please be assured that your personal data will be treated in a confiential manner. Payment : If you are unable to pay by credit card, please contact us by email so that we can find a solution that works for you :
Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.